Thursday, May 27, 2010


I used to stress about the scale... Now I don't weigh unless I go to the Dr. I was thinking today about rewards. It is nice to have mini goals and a plan. So far I have done a few things...
I lost 40lbs I started getting my nails done.
I lost 50lbs by Christmas... It made Christmas amazing. & an awesome reward trip to New Orleans for New Years!!
End of January I went to Kansas City, Mo to visit family. I no longer need a seat belt extender!! YAY.
I lost 80lbs I bought myself a birthday outfit to wear out.

The future is near...
As I am approaching my one year I have about 11 more weeks until I reach my year mark. I am thinking of ways I want to reward myself.
umm.... I am shooting for 125 down in a year. Not really sure what that reward is going to be just yet.
In Sept the Chicago trip to meet all of you is a big reward that in its self.
Another big milestone will be when I step on the scale to find onederland. Something I have not seen since I can remember. 199...
I have a cruise planned in November, so getting on that boat being in onederland will be none short of AMAZING!
Of course little things along the way of new clothes always makes feel great.
I am just curious how you all reward yourself????

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