I am sitting at work. Waiting on the next hour to go by. I was looking at so many blogs tonight and a few of them had this question thing on, so I stole it and decided to fill it out.
Also, today is 3 months since surgery and I am 47 pounds down. I had originally set my goal for 50 gone by Christmas. I think I will make that. I am super excited about how well I am doing.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
- Age: 28
- Annoyance:
- Animal: My outside cat Sassy
- Actor: Matthew McConaughey
- Birthday/Birthplace: March 18th, Jacksonville, Fl
- Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes
- Been in Love: I thought I was now not so sure.
- Believe in yourself?: Yes
- Believe in God: Yes
- Car: A White Fusion. That I love.
- Candy: Reeses Cups
- Colour: Green
- Cried in school: Yes
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla, Cake Batter from Cold Stone to be exact. Thanks to BK
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican
- Cake or pie: Red velvet cake
- Day or Night: Night
- Do the splits?: umm..no
- Eggs: Scrambled eggs with cheese
- Eyes: Blue, but sometimes they look greenish
- First crush: haha…
- First thoughts waking up: What will today bring.
- Food: before the band-PIZZA! Now: Soup. or chicken and green beans
- Greatest Fear: Spiders
- Goals: To find out what life is really like being a smaller girl without letting it change the person I am.
- Get along with your parents?: Absolutely. I am very close to both of them
- Good luck charm: don't really have a good luck charm.
- Hair Colour: Blonde highlights
- Height: 5'8
- Happy: Yes!
- Holiday: Christmas
- Health freak?: not so much, but I am trying to be better
- Hate: the unknown
- Ice Cream: Cold Stole Cakebatter with Reeses Cup.
- Instrument: Clarinet in school
- Jewelry: Silver. Also I am coming into a new love for fun necklaces and bracelets
- Job: Airport Operations/Police Dispatcher at Jacksonville Airport
- Kids: Someday
- Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing
- Keep a journal? I write a blog...
- Longest Car Ride: Many church trips in the bus and van for LONG hours at a time
- Love: Will come one day.
- Laughed so hard you cried: One of my favorite things
- Love at first sight: They say it can happen.
- Milk flavour: Vanilla
- Movie: I have way too many favorites.
- Mooned anyone?: Never.
- Marriage: Someday..
- Motion sickness? Nope
- McD’s or BK: McD's it used to be a must with my girls on Saturday mornings.
- Number of Siblings: 1, 14 years older than me though.. yeah, yeah I was a surprise, but such a blessing too.
- Number of Piercings: none
- Number: 7
- One wish: to be wanted by someone
- Place you’d like to live: on the beach
- Perfect Pizza: pepperoni and mushrooms
- Pepsi/Coke: Diet Dr. Pepper but I haven’t had one since before surgery.
- Questionaires: Pass the time
- Reason to cry: Oh pretty much anything. Pretty much all movies and some tv shows. Sad I know.
- Reality T.V.: The Biggest Loser, The Hills, American Idol,
- Roll your tongue in a circle? Yep
- Song: This years love by David Gray
- Shoe size: 10/11
- Salad Dressing: ranch
- Skipped school: yes, but Mike told on us when he got caught. ha
- Smoking: heck no I hate it
- Sing well?: In my car is where I perform hahaha..
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
- Time for bed: I work nights so it is usually 630am. If I am off I usually hit the bed after midnight.
- Thunderstorms: hate them.
- TV: Love my DVR
- Unpredictable: life! Amen!!
- Vegetable you hate: Asparagus
- Vegetable you love: green beans
- Vacation spot: a cruise, NYC, the mountains, the beach, anywhere really
- Weakness: hmmm… I’ll think on that some more .
- When you grow up: a mom
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: none I am the only GAIL
-X-Rays: had a few. I always mess up my ankles
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: makes me think of a school bus
- Zoo: I love the monkeys and giraffes
- Zodiac sign: Pisces